Wednesday, October 30, 2013

#35 Paradise Bound - Open Doors Orphanage

So this week my birthday adventure took me to Guatemala. Ok, that may be a stretch. But it took my volunteer efforts to Guatemala. On Monday night I joined JQ99.3 (a local Christian Radio Station) in their Lift Sit 2013. This is the second annual fundraiser for Paradise Bound - Open Doors Orphanage in Guatemala. Troy West (a JQ 99.3 radio personality) and Dan Smith (the founder of Paradise Bound) go up in a shack on a lift suspended over I-196 and vow to stay there until the goal is met. I worked the phone bank during their lift sit. Listeners were invited to call in to make donations to support one year of costs associated with the orphanage. The total they were seeking was $65,000.00. The phones opened up at 6:00 a.m. that morning. After work, I left to go work the phone bank. I arrived just after 3:30 p.m. When I arrived the total raised was $17,858.00. We had 4 phones in the phone bank. Before I left at 6:00 p.m. the total had increased to $23,016.00. What a blessing. I was able to be a part of fundraising over $5,000.00 in just under 3 hours. Can you believe it??? That is 1/13 of the annual budget for the orphanage. This orphanage is fully funded by sponsors and donations. Every penny raised allows them to continue to help the orphans of Guatemala. The phone bank shut down at 6:00 p.m. It reopened Tuesday at 6:00 a.m. and stayed open until 6:00 p.m. Before 6:00 p.m. on the second day, they had raised over $70,000.00 and Troy West and Dan Smith were able to leave the lift. This was GOD working in West Michigan to provide for the orphans in Guatemala. This was a VERY happy day indeed :) If you want to be part of this ministry, if you want to volunteer with Paradise Bound, or if you want to take a mission trip to the actual orphanage in Guatemala, please contact them at

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