Saturday, March 23, 2013

#10 White River Light Station - Ok, today was another twofer. The kids and I loaded into the car and headed off to join others from GVSU Alumni Association to help with cleanup of the beach around the White River Light Station in Whitehall. After all, what kind of birthday celebration would this be without a trip to the beach?????? Ok, so this may not have been the ideal time to hit the beach, but we did have a good day together. It was cold, it was damp, but what a difference we made today. Along with the others who joined us, we removed a tire, some lawn chairs that were buried under the sand, and bags of trash. Imagine how beautiful this beach will be when summer arrives. I want to thank GVSU Alumni Association for this Community Outreach Week. I am so happy to be a part of such an amazing group of people who are being the difference around the world. GO LAKERS!!!!!!!! P.S. If you are interested in volunteering or seeing the beach we cleaned them at

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