Monday, April 1, 2013

#11 Compassionate Heart Ministry - Zeeland, MI. Tonight was the beginning of a new quarter and the next step in my year-long adventure :) This ministry is a ministry that "promotes community for families and individuals with mild to moderate disabilities and build lasting relationships with others in the love of Jesus Christ". That being said this is a gathering place for teens and young adults with disabilities to hang out, play and bond with others with no fear of being ridiculed or put down. I had more fun than you can imagine. These kids were simply fantastic. We played bingo with the entire group. Then everyone broke off to do their own thing until the end of the night. They have the opportunity to watch movies, play video games, play pool, color, play board games, do puzzles, hang out and bond with their friends. I can DEFINITELY see myself doing this again. I am still smiling :) One of the kids was a familiar face, one was a flirt, one was a story teller like you have never met, one was a prankster, they were ALL incredible. I see why this ministry exists and I hope it never ends. Isn't it amazing that I was hoping to be the difference and be a blessing to others this year, but in the end, I think that I am the one that is being blessed. If you would like to join me and Be the Difference, won't you consider Compassionate Heart Ministry? If you want to have a night that will leave you smiling like it did me and you want to meet some pretty amazing kids, please contact them at

1 comment:

Unknown said... again!? I am sensing a pattern :)