Thursday, March 21, 2013

#9 Kids Food Basket - Ok so today was a twofer ......I was able to volunteer with Kids Food Basket in Grand Rapids and GVSU Alumni at the same time. This week is Community Outreach Week at GVSU. Alumni and current students along with their family and friends are volunteering all over the US and beyond to "be the difference" in their communities. Kids Food Basket is just one of the many places that will be blessed this week. I have recently posted about my time at Manna Meals in Allendale. I was stunned by the amount of kids that are being blessed each week. Imagine my surprise when I got to Kids Food Basket. This place is amazing. As you can see in the picture they have served over 300,0000 meals since July, 2012. That is just 8 months people. WOW! Our job today was so simple. We were to package crackers into individual servings to be sent home in future meals to the kids in Grand Rapids who may not otherwise have a meal. Such a lovely thing to be a part of!!!!!! Include in the pictures are a list of some of the schools where these meals are delivered along with the number of meals needed at each, you can see a sample menu (this is subject to change based on what foods are donated and available each night) and most importantly the sack track. Imagine all the full tummies tonight! They are always looking for volunteers. If you live in Grand Rapids and you have an extra hour or more, PLEASE get out there and give them some of your time. You can get more information at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great way to spend a few hours of your life! WooHoo!