Monday, August 26, 2013


#25 South East Community Outreach Ministry. Nearly Labor Day.....Can't believe how fast this year has flown by. The kids are getting ready to return to school next week. On Saturday I was lucky enough to join an amazing ministry in South East Grand Rapids in preparing backpacks to be given to kids who might otherwise start their new school year without the proper supplies. Through donations we were able to assemble 250 backpacks for needy kids in the community they serve. WOW! We did 125 for middle school aged children and 125 for elementary school aged children. This organization does so much more. They have established a free pre-school to encourage early childhood development. They are teaching two separate classes of 15 children each. In addition, they have a food pantry (partially supplied by a garden they grow and tend on-site), they offer exercise classes, they offer resources to meet emergency needs and they are there to connect the community with the resources around them to assist with their long term needs. I can't think of a better way to help out as summer comes to an end. Imagine the smiles on 250 kids when they receive a new backpack stuffed with school supplies just for them. This organization can use assistance year round. If you are near the South East side of Grand Rapids and you want to help out here is how to contact them.......

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