Saturday, February 2, 2013

#3 COMPLETE......that's right people :) Today I was able to go back to Allendale Nursing and Rehabilitation for their Saturday Bingo Game. I arrived at 11:15. We passed out cards and chips and got the patients situated for playing. What a bunch of characters I met today. The first one was a gentleman that only wanted the middle card. Then once he had that, he ONLY wanted to use white chips to mark his card. He was funny. He had a great time giving me guff. I have to tell you, the next two hours went about the same way. My job this day was to sit at a table and help two patients with their bingo cards. The first was a man with incredibly friendly eyes. He was awake for a total of 6 bingo calls and then he dozed off. He awoke two hours later when I called out bingo for his total card bingo win :) The other was a woman who had a great sense of humor. I began by pointing out each number as it was called (i was instructed that the people at my table would need assistance) After about 10 numbers she just looked at me and smiled. I asked her if she was NOT needing my help. She just laughed. We continued to play side by side for the rest of the time. I only helped when the caller spoke too fast or she couldn't reach the spot to lay down her bingo chip. Can I just say......this was a FANTASTIC way to start my morning. I am told that they offer numerous volunteering opportunities at Allendale Nursing and Rehabilitation. You can volunteer to do such things as help at a bingo game, paint nails of patients, read to patients, spend one on one time with them (play a card game or board game or put puzzles together). They have activities happening almost on a daily basis. If you have time in your day and you want to connect with some really amazing people and be the bright spot in their day.....PLEASE call and schedule a time to volunteer. It means so much to the patients. Until next time...........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw, Dad is smiling at you with this one :)